The Power of Being Humble and Honest In Your Professional Life
Ever thought why some people in their professional lives get huge success within no time than others working for years and years can’t reach.
There are various factors attached to a successful career that might include hard work, confidence & communication skills, technical skillset, managerial skills, and mental capability of performing tasks within the deadlines. A characteristic that most people don’t keep in mind is honesty and humility.
Being Humble
After looking at the career of various people I created this opinion that one of the most valuable characteristics one can have at work is being humble. It can be supporting your colleague in a presentation or helping an intern under you with a new skill or even guiding your manager with a new tech update that he might not know. Being Humble ultimately takes you to a place where people not only start loving you as a colleague rather start admiring you, appreciating you whenever they get a chance to do so.
Honesty at Work
Working in a dynamic organization you always get a chance to meet people from different departments as I did. From Sales to Marketing, from finance to Admin, from Onboarding to Expansions I saw a number of people who did not hesitate to speak lie and imagine that it would work in the longer term. Five fingers are not equal but usually, I saw people in the sales over-exaggerating things just to get a successful deal done or get a client on board.
Being dishonest to clients and imagining that it would not harm them is like living in a fool's paradise.
One should be honest at work not only with his managers but rather with his clients, colleagues, and subordinates to achieve ultimate success else your all hard work can go vain and we all have seen people getting demoted or not getting promoted as they should even after doing all the hard work.
What should I do next?
If you are honest and humble it is great and you always know that you are or you are not, Even you can take a piece of advice from your friend or colleague if you wish.
Start being extra humble to people around you either it be a security guard, a cleaner, an intern, or your manager. Start giving respect to everyone around you. Start being honest at every moment of life without any fear.
I assure you that doing this would take you to the ultimate success in your career and you will start living your dream.
Start acting from now and wait for the things to turn your way :)